Hi everyone, I was triyng to use some I2C sensors in my cubecell that’s based in arduino arquitecture.
At the moment to program i found out that pins i define are not the ones attached to I2C pins in the board.
Do I have to initialize I2C in a special way?
Cubecell pinout i2c
Hi, I’m actually trying to use HDC2080 with the second I²C bus on an HTCC-AM02 module. I encounter similar issues because wire.h and the sensor library I want to use need some modifications.
Not a specialist here but looking at the pinout of your board/module is a good start.
Check the indeed the definition of the I²C pins on these files depending of your board https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/CubeCell-Arduino/tree/master/variants
Wire.h or the sensor library could be other issues.
3rd question today about I²C buses, if there is a specialist here, please take a look on other posts http://community.heltec.cn/t/am02-module-plus-custom-pcb-minimal-circuit-arduino-compatible/3862/29?u=alexfr
The IIC pin of CubeCell is fixed, you can only use the marked IIC pin.
For boards with two groups of IIC, you can use Wire.begin(SDA,SCL) (second group of IIC pins) or Wire1.begin() to enable the second group of IIC. Wire.begin() enables the first group of IIC by default .
I use the correct designation for my pins and modify the library with.