Can we use normal USB-UART board to communicate to Cubecell

Hi team,
As I read around, I found this guide:

This guide is helpful, but I did not see you guys mentioned that can I use a normal USB-UART like FTDI basic board to communicate to the Cubecell or not? It happened that I bought a Cubecell capsule from Aliexpress and they shipped without the debug board.

And how this guide is related to this guide?
Can we code directly the Cubecell by Arduino IDE or just upload the firmware?



You can use a ftdi usb serial converter for 3.3v.

The use of the arduino ide or my prebuild firmware with the configurator is possible.
Use what you like :wink:

@TonyTran, while a conventional or alternate FTDI solution is possible, I believe that the Heltec USB board is a better option - for at least one reason, you do have the option of installing a sensor concurrently!

Once again, it should be stated as part of any advertising for the capsule that there is an optional but highly recommended interface board available!