I don’t have a meter that can test the power draw in lowpower sleep state.I am confident the cubecell solar module is sleeping in Lowpower state. But between each sleep, on wake the battery voltage transmitted data shows a voltage drop even after over an hour of sleep on a sunny day. Not sure if lowpower state sets the I.O pins to the lowest power draw mode while sleeping or do i have to do it? And if so what is the code to set pins from output mode to floating before sleep?And is there any other tricks i am missing to reduce power consumption while sleeping?
Cheers. Andy
Best mode for pins in LOWPOWER state
hello. did you manage to deal with this question? Im also wondering if it need to configure pins for good lowpowerstate.
I have the same interest, here is my post related to Vext pin during sleep. Vext during sleep - CubeCell - Heltec Automation Technical Community